Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dreams Unlimited - I Can't Talk...

Dream 11 - I Can't Talk

Today I dreamt myself being not able to talk and hear, I was dumb and deaf... Then my friend J told me that I should go to a temple up on the mountain and a big white monkey there and that can give back the power of talking and hearing to people.

So I started to climb the mountain and reached the temple, then I found the big white monkey. I went near it started to look at him and making actions with hands, waiting for it to cure me. The monkey was also looking at me, but doing nothing, it was not talking at all.. It was doing nothing to cure me.. Then I thought to myself, "oh how stupid of me - how can this monkey make me speak, when he himself can't speak.... " ha ha ha...

Then I went up inside the temple, I see a big , very very big statue of god. I went behind the statue and I see a big machine is hidden there... I try to see what that machine is, it has so many buttons.. I tried to press the buttons.. Suddenly I see a loot of smoke started to come out.... The smell of the smoke was too much, lot of that smoke got into my nose while I was breathing and I coughed... Then after that suddenly I see - I can speak and hear.. wow it was miracle..

I was so happy, I could speak and hear again.. I went running back to that big monkey.. and kept saying this to the monkey -- " hey ,hey hey hey hey hey... hey hey hey hey hey.... hey hey.hey hey..... hey hey... I told him "hey" many times.. lol .. I was so happy that I speak and the monkey cannot speak till now...ha ha ha ha.. I told him to go press the button in machine behind the statue... :)

Then I started to come down the mountain.. and suddenly I slipped.. and then my legs become tyres.. I was coming down the mountain in full speeed.... and also shouting.."hurray, i can speak.. "

Then I went to a shop and buy a desk.. I got it home with me.. When it reached home the desk changed into a woman... and I wanted it to moved to other side of room. But it was not moving... So I called my friend to move it... My friend was begging in front of that woman - pls desk move.. move to other side desk please... But woman did not agree to move and said, she dont like to move.....

Then I was thinking in my mind - Oh, if I knew this desk was so stubborn , I wont have brought it at all.. Then I told the woman - "Hey woman - I still have your purchase receipt. Are you moving or shall I return you back... Then you will be a desk again.. a dumb desk.... think fast.. you have 60 secs..." I was laughing in my mind, when I was telling this... but on my face I was showing anger...

Then the woman say - no no no, dont return me.. I will move... I will be a good desk... and she moved to other side of the room :)

Then I say to myself - What a day.. but a clever one... :)

And the dream ends.....

Feel free to post your constructive comments. Watch out for more - Everyday New real dreams..... :)

Thanks again to that very special person for sharing....
Disclaimer: These are not my personal dreams, but of a very special person, written as explained and narrated to me.

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