Friday, June 5, 2009

Dreams Unlimited - MSN Taxi...

Dream 7 -MSN Taxi

Then I dream that a friend of mine comes to me and says she is pregnant. She asks me to take a taxi and come hospital (Now the strange thing happens. - I take a taxi thru MSN.. haha read on.. )

I go home and connect internet and login to my MSN, and then I talk to a cab driver in MSN..and tell him I wanna go to some hospital and he said - OK, I'm driving.. I asked him how much it cost.. he said - 128kbps... I say ok .. drive on.... Then I see that I'm still at home.. but driving in the cab .. the cab was driving via MSN.. strange huh.....

Then I dont remember what happened next.....

Feel free to post your constructive comments. Watch out for more - Everyday New real dreams..... :)

Thanks again to that very special person for sharing....
Disclaimer: These are not my personal dreams, but of a very special person, written as explained and narrated to me.

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